Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Day in the Clouds

Today we went to the Monteverde Cloudforest National Park. We saw millipedes, frog eggs, a great waterfall, a white-nosed coati, and the best of all, we saw a resplendent quetzal.

We also went to the Hummingbird Gallery and saw a lot of hummingbirds in their natural habitat face to face and heard the noise they make when they fly right past your ear.

The final stop we made was the frog pond where we got up close to frogs that were in replicas of their natural habitats.

Now I am on my way to play soccer with our tour guides...Adios!

- Billy


  1. Oh cool first to comment, how exciting. What in the world is a resplendent quetzal? Those hummingbirds must have been really cool to look at. Did you know that they flap their wings, like, a million times a second (or somewhere around there...) I wonder what that sounds like when the go by your ear. Is it a buzz like a bee or a chirp like a cricket? Oh well you'll just have to tell me later. Have fun with that soccer. Do they call it football over there?
    Adios (I do know what that one means)


  2. another amazing day and the zipline is waiting for you! Enjoy it all and thanks for posting...

  3. Are the frogs and birds as colorful as all the pictures in the books? Can't wait to hear more. Update from here. . .Anoop and Lil were voted off of Idol last night. Have fun Chicos!

  4. Hi Everyone-Thanks for sharing all of your experiences with us. Keep writing about them when you get home so you don't forget a thing. I'm so happy that you guys have had the opportunity to learn about the culture and biodiversity of Costa Rica. It must be amazing up close. Have you been checking your clustrmap? People all over the world are reading about you!

    Hi Jack. I miss you. I just got back from NYC last night and got caught up on what's been going on. Internet issues made it difficult to "see" what you have been doing. I love the pictures and videos. I almost feel like I'm there.
