Sunday, April 19, 2009

On the Way to Costa Rica


  1. Thanks for the video. I hope everyone got some sleep overnight because that looks like one very tired group!

  2. Enjoy yourselves-William, help Mr. Williams find that quetzal!

  3. Jared how did you all do sunday morning on only 4 hours of sleep?? you all look a little bleary eyed-but it was great to see you all survived the bumps on the plane ride!

  4. Kudos to Mr. Mussleman for dragging along his video camera!!! That was lots of fun to watch and as Kathleen said in another post, I was yelling at the screen to "come back, don't stop..."
    So please tell him thank you!

    I can already tell that you're all having a blast. Can't wait to read about today's adventures.

    Sending lots of love, Mom

  5. Grandma says to say Hi. This is her 92nd birthday. She wishes she were with you.

    Barb and Paul say Hi.

    How long was your delay in Dallas? How's the food and coffee.


  6. Nice Video-- Amanda, keep smiling for the camera!
    Grandma and Deda are following the progress from Florida, they are excited for you, too!

  7. I hope you have the time of your life, gang! But quit complaining about being tired, you are there for a once in a lifetime experience! Can anyone smuggle some of that cake home? Listening to all of the mmmm's makes me want to have some!!!

    Mrs. Webster

  8. Hello Monica and everyone! Grammie, Papa, Auntie Carolann, Uncle Rodney, Auntie Trisha, Uncle Richard, Debbie, Neen, Heather, Dave and me, (Mum), watched the video as we celebrated my birthday!! We were so excited to see you and felt like you were with us and we were with you as well!! Heather surprised me with a visit from Vermont!! Can't wait to see your next adventure!! Love, Mum

  9. Congratulations on a safe and uneventful flight (turbulance not withstanding). I'm impressed with Mr. Williams' travel outfit. Was there fishing on the plane? I'm surprised he didn't pull out the hip-waders for the trip.

  10. I too enjoyed Mr. Williams' outfit!! I thought I was the only one that noticed!! He's perfect for this trip, our kids will always remember this fun and learning experience for the rest of their lives!

  11. Dito to Mr. Olivo and RobinMags... I had to go back and watch the video again so I could check-out Mr. William's duds. I think he went to REI and bought himself a few b-day presents for the trip... well deserved!
    Can't wait to see the next video!
    Meghan's Mom (ILY Meggie!)

  12. You all are amazing for undergoing such an adventure. Lucky children to have it documented and in such capable hands. Just wish I was there. My children and I are visiting our family in Canada instead.
