Monday, April 18, 2011

Emily-Rio Celeste and Rainforest

On Saturday we hiked through the rainforest and saw the Rio Celeste.  It was so beautiful!  The water was a turquoise color because of a chemical reaction with sulfur.  It was beautiful, but didn´t smell too great!  We got to swim in hot springs.  It was really fun, even though the current was really strong.  We also saw a waterfall.  The hike down was very long and steep, but it was worth it!  It was amazing because the waterfall was also turquoise.  Unfortunately, the hike back up was even worse than going down and most of us were out of breath by the time we reached the top!  The whole hike was amazing too.  We saw lots of cool trees, flowers, and other plants.  We saw some birds and bugs but not too many other animals.  This may have been because most of the wildlife in rainforests lives in the canopy and not on the ground.  The guides taught us a lot about the nature we saw.  We also learned about primary and secondary forests.  Primary forests are forests that haven´t been affected by humans and secondary forests are ones that have.  We could tell we were in a secondary forest because there was a lot of light, which meant that trees had been cut down.  Primary rainforests are much darker because the trees block out all the light.

I´m having a LOT of fun so far and I´m pretty sure everyone else is too.  I´m going to be sad to go home, but I can´t wait to show everyone all the pictures I´ve taken!
Pura Vida!!!


  1. Sounds fantastic!! Margaret & Mom are touring colleges - Lila keeps looking out the door waiting patiently until you come home :~)
    Love, Dad

  2. Hi Emily!
    That sounds so cool!! The turqoise water must've been so pretty. See you when you get back!!
    Alyssa :)
