Monday, April 18, 2011


Even though we´ve done a lot of amazing things, I thought the best thing so far was going to the school.  We went yesterday and had a LOT of fun.   The kids were so awesome and nice, and everyone fell in love with them immediately.  They were so open with us even though at first, everyone was pretty shy.  But as soon as the teachers started making groups, everyone was open with each other.  Even though the language barrier was pretty hard to overcome (especially because I´m a frenchie), we used body language and the few Spanish words we knew to communicate.  But they conviently forgot to tell us that we would need to have a "cultural"  performance, so we pretty much made fools of ourselves.  While the children from the school did a beautiful traditional dance, we ended up miming a baseball game which pretty much failed.  They just kind of stared at us with confused looks.  But when we had some free time, we tried to play with the kids.  We found a stick of wood for a bat, and a ball and started to play.  The first little boy who wanted to bat hit a home run all the way across the street.  At first he didn´t really understand what he did, but as he saw us cheering for him as he ran around the bases he understood what he did was a good thing.  The look on his face as he jumped on homebase was priceless.

After we played, we started painting the school rooms. It was so much fun to see the teachers excitment as we painted the kindergarten room.  There were a couple little boys who were painting beneath a counter and the made the experience even better.  They would knock on the counter and giggle hysterically when we would knock back.  They started putting paint on their face and got sillier and sillier until finally the teacher had enough and yelled at them.  At one point when I was painting by a doorway some little boys ran through the door and started speaking in rapid spanish.  I must have looked pretty confused because they gave up and just stuck their hands out and yelled "PAINT PAINT PAINT."  I put a little paint on the first boy´s hand and he wiped it on his cheek.  The other boys soon did the same.  Throughout the day the same boys kept coming back.

My favorite thing that I heard somone say yesterday was when Sam said as we were leaving,"So this is what Oprah feels like."  I thought that pretty much summed up the feeling that everyone had.  I miss all my friends from the school and will never forget the amazing experience I had there.  The best part of the day for me was when a little girl who I had barely spoken to came up to me and gave me a big hug when we were leaving.  

I love everyone back home and can´t wait to share my pictures!!!!!
Pura Vida!!
<3, Sarah


  1. I miss you Sarah!!!!

    I can't wait until you come home so I can see you all tan and awesome. I wish I could be there with you!!!!

    I'm still mad at you for missing my birthday though. jk :)


  2. We're glad you're having a great time. We can't wait to see more pictures and hear more stories-especially the zipling!
    Love, Uncle Doug & Aunt Kim.

  3. Hi Sarah!
    Sounds like you're having an awesome time!! Visiting the school must've been so fun. Can't wait to see you when you get back!!
    Alyssa :)

  4. Hi Sarah!
    What a great trip! Love seeing you in the pictures in a different part of the world in the jungle, in front of a volcano, etc.
    In your blog post you make painting seem almost fun.
