Friday, April 24, 2009

Soccer and Pen Pals in the Clouds

Monteverde CEC.JPG

Yesterday, we had the best games of soccer ever! We played on the tennis court, which had two small metal goals, and almost everyone played or watched. I hadn’t played a real game of soccer in over a year, so I wasn’t expecting much. But I surprised myself and did pretty well at offense and defense for someone who hasn’t played in a long time. I even scored three goals for the girls’ team in the smaller game! Today, we met our pen pals at the Cloud Forest School, and learned a little bit about their lives here in Costa Rica. We exchanged emails and facebooks to keep in touch. I can’t believe we’re leaving tomorrow!

- Laura


  1. Laura, I wish you'd look at the camera a little more. I see the back of your head a lot! I want to see what your face looked like at the top of the zip line. How much fun was that! We can't wait to see the hundreds of photos I am sure you took (I hope!). We want to hear all the details after you catch up on some sleep. Forunately we are experiencing some great weather and lots of flowers blooming here now, too. Anxiously awaiting your arrival home!!!!

  2. Wow, looks like a great trip! Meghan, I hope you were hanging on to that zipline harness! Hard to believe you'll be back already. See you soon. Love, Uncle Frosty

  3. I loved the soccor the most out of the whole trip. I havent played in about 10 years and havent really liked it but I tried it again and love it!!!!!! It was a great time waster and so much fun but quite dangerous( Geez e ily you kick hard!!)
