Saturday, April 4, 2009

Travel Connection Concerns Be Gone!

When Miss Connolly put out the travel itinerary to Costa Rica a few weeks ago, there was some nail biting about whether or not the hour long layover at Dallas/Fort Worth would be enough time to get 25 travelers through customs and to the terminal for our connecting flight to San Jose. After all, the thought of moving from one terminal to another at Logan is enough to give any seasoned traveler a headache.

Such is not the case however at Dallas/Fort Worth. All five of the airports terminal are interconnected by Skylink, a state-of-the-art monorail system that runs between terminals A-E with short travels times between terminals and even shorter wait times for the trams. The real kicker? Travelers do not have to leave the secured terminals to use Skylink, which means no standing back in line for baggage checks and shoe inspections! I know this puts my mind at ease... the last thing I think everyone wants is an impromptu "airport scavenger hunt" to help make an 8 hour delay layover go by faster!

1 comment:

  1. Nice work, Mr. Musselman. We're going to have no problems (fingers crossed!).
