Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Water, water everywhere...is it safe to drink?

Yesterday in the afternoon we got to go down to the river, which I don’t know how to spell. First, we did some physical tests on the water. After observing it we said it looked good. During this process we were distracted by a lot of frogs including one poison dart frog.

Second, we did some chemical tests on the river to see if it was safe to go rafting in. We tested the temperature, pH, Nitrate, Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen, and Hydrogen Sulfides. After testing these six things our data concluded that the water was safe to swim in chemically.

Finally, we did a biological test by catching bugs. When we caught as many bugs as we could we used a scientific equation to calculate if the river was good biologically. It fell into the category saying the river was good but not great. Time for white-water rafting!



  1. Wow! That's a lot of testing to be done while trying to avoid a poison dart frog - It sounds exciting. How did you catch the bugs??
    Enjoy your white-water rafting adventure and thanks for keeping us posted!!

  2. Hi Connor and everyone:

    I agree with RobinMags... That's amazing that you performed all those tests and I'm sure it helped you appreciate clean water which we sort of take for granted here in the States. I hope you had an amazing time white-water rafting... I've never gotten to do that! Did anyone get a picture of the poison dart frog? Megsie... anyone!? I'm curious to know what color it was.

    Thank you for taking the time to post this blog... I'm sure you're all tired but we're really excited to hear all about your adventures so keep them coming!

    Susan (Megsie's Mom)

  3. Hola! What a terrific experience for all of you! Amazing amount of biodiversity!

    Looks like you are using some of the physical science that you learned in 6th grade!

    Have fun! Senora Jordan

  4. Connor, It really sounds like you are doing a lot of hands on fun stuff!! So glad to hear from you and hope that you are enjoying every minute!! We miss you and don't worry...Peter has been keeping up with your paper route!

  5. Hey Connor its Peter I hope you are having fun at Costa Rica. Monsters vs Aliens was really funny. I've missed you so much. I remembered this year during a field trip we had to test the river's pH to see if the river was healthy.Maddie says hi. I hope you have a good time!

  6. Hey Connor its Madison and i really miss you and it sounds like your having a lot of fun in Costa Rica. I can't wait for you to come home. I really wanted you to see Monsters vs. Aliens because it was really funny and I liked it a lot. I hope you have fun.

  7. Hola Chicos en Costarica !
    Podrian decirme cual es la categoria de navegacion del rio ?
    Como se llama el lugar donde estas?
    Cuidate y diviertete mucho.

    Tia y Tio

  8. Tu Tio cometio un error.....Costa Rica

  9. Enjoy every minute there, how lucky you all are!
    Practice using your Spanish !
    Best wishes,
    Geena's Tia
